Western Washington University
Spanel Planetarium
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Eyepiece Calculator
Scope Diameter
Focal Ratio
Choose one of these or enter your own specs.
-- Anacortes Telescope --
11mm Bird's Eye View 1.25"
15mm Bird's Eye View 2.0"
16mm Bird's Eye View 1.25"
-- Baader Planetarium --
Hyperion Modular 3.5mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Modular 5mm Eyepiece
Hyperion 8mm Eyepiece
Hyperion 13mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Modular 17mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Modular 21mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Modular 24mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Aspheric 31mm Eyepiece
Hyperion Aspheric 36mm Eyepiece
-- Celestron --
5mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 1.25" - 2.0"
8mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 1.25" - 2.0"
13mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 1.25" - 2.0"
17mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 1.25" - 2.0"
22mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 2.0"
32mm Ultima LX Eyepiece 2.0"
Axiom LX 7mm Eyepiece 1.25"
Axiom LX 10mm Eyepiece 1.25"
Axiom LX 15mm Eyepiece 1.25"
Axiom LX 19mm Eyepiece 2.0"
Axiom LX 23mm Eyepiece 2.0"
Axiom LX 31mm Eyepiece 2.0"
Omni Plossl 6mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 9mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 12mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 15mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 20mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 25mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 32mm 1.25" Eyepiece
Omni Plossl 40mm 1.25" Eyepiece
-- Meade --
Series 4000 QX 15mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 QX 20mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 QX 26mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 QX 30mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 QX 36mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 6.4mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 9.7mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 12.4mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 15mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 32mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 40mm Eyepiece
Series 4000 Super Plossl 56mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 5.5mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 9mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 14mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 20mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 26mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 32mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Plossl 40mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 16mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 20mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 24mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 28mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 34mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Super Wide 40mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Ultra Wide 8.8mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Ultra Wide 14mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Ultra Wide 18mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Ultra Wide 24mm Eyepiece
Series 5000 Ultra Wide 30mm Eyepiece
-- Orion --
6.3mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
7.5mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
10mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
12.5mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
17mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
20mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
25mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
32mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
40mm Sirius Plossl 1.25" Eyepiece
6mm Expanse Wide Field 1.25" Eyepiece
9mm Expanse Wide Field 1.25" Eyepiece
15mm Expanse Wide Field 1.25" Eyepiece
20mm Expanse Wide Field 1.25" Eyepiece
16mm Edge-On Flat Field Eyepiece 1.25"
19mm Edge-On Flat Field Eyepiece 1.25"
27mm Edge-On Flat Field Eyepiece 1.25"
26mm Q70 2" Super Wide Angle Eyepiece
32mm Q70 2" Super Wide Angle Eyepiece
38mm Q70 2" Super Wide Angle Eyepiece
35mm DeepView 2" Eyepiece
42mm DeepView 2" Eyepiece
-- Pentax --
SMC XO 5mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 3.5mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 5mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 7mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 10mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 14mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 20mm Eyepiece 1.25"
SMC XW 30mm Eyepiece 2.0"
SMC XW 40mm Eyepiece 2.0"
-- Stellarvue --
9mm FMC Plossl Eyepiece 1.25"
12mm FMC Plossl Eyepiece 1.25"
23mm FMC Plossl Eyepiece 1.25"
32mm FMC Plossl Eyepiece 1.25"
15mm FMC Wide Field Eyepiece 1.25"
20mm FMC Wide Field Eyepiece 1.25"
30mm FMC Wide Field Eyepiece 2.0"
42mm FMC Wide Field Eyepiece 2.0"
-- Takahashi --
LE 10.0mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 12.5mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 18mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 24mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 30mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 50mm Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 2.8mm ED Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 3.6mm ED Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 5mm ED Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
LE 7.5mm ED Long Eye Relief Eyepiece
-- Tele Vue --
3mm Radian Eyepiece
4mm Radian Eyepiece
5mm Radian Eyepiece
6mm Radian Eyepiece
8mm Radian Eyepiece
10mm Radian Eyepiece
12mm Radian Eyepiece
14mm Radian Eyepiece
18mm Radian Eyepiece
2mm-4mm Nagler Zoom Eyepiece
2.5mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
3.5mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
4.8mm Nagler Type 1 Eyepiece
5mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
7mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
9mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
11mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
12mm Nagler Type 4 Eyepiece
13mm Nagler Type 6 Eyepiece
16mm Nagler Type 5 Eyepiece
17mm Nagler Type 4 Eyepiece
20mm Nagler Type 5 Eyepiece
22mm Nagler Type 4 Eyepiece
26mm Nagler Type 5 Eyepiece
31mm Nagler Type 5 Eyepiece
8mm Plossl Eyepiece
11mm Plossl Eyepiece
15mm Plossl Eyepiece
20mm Plossl Eyepiece
25mm Plossl Eyepiece
32mm Plossl Eyepiece
40mm Plossl Eyepiece
55mm Plossl Eyepiece
6mm ETHOS Eyepiece
8mm ETHOS Eyepiece
13mm ETHOS Eyepiece
17mm ETHOS Eyepiece
19mm Panoptic Eyepiece
24mm Panoptic Eyepiece
27mm Panoptic Eyepiece
35mm Panoptic Eyepiece
41mm Panoptic Eyepiece
8mm-24mm Zoom Eyepiece 1.25"
-- Vixen --
6mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
10mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
15mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
20mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
25mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
30mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
40mm NPL Eyepiece 1.25"
12mm PL Plossl Eyepiece
LVW 3.5mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 5mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 8mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 13mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 17mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 22mm 1.25" Eyepiece
LVW 42mm 1.25" Eyepiece
NLV Series 2.5mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 4mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 5mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 6mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 9mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 10mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 12mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 15mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 20mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 25mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 40mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
NLV Series 50mm Lanthanum Eyepiece 1.25"
-- William Optics --
3mm SPL Super Planetary Eyepiece 1.25"
6mm SPL Super Planetary Eyepiece 1.25"
12.5mm SPL Super Planetary Eyepiece 1.25"
4mm UWAN Wide Angle 1.25" Eyepiece
7mm UWAN Wide Angle 1.25" Eyepiece
16mm UWAN Wide Angle 1.25" Eyepiece
28mm UWAN Wide Angle 2.0" Eyepiece
9mm SWAN Eyepiece
15mm SWAN Eyepiece
20mm SWAN Eyepiece
25mm SWAN Eyepiece
33mm SWAN Eyepiece
Focal Length:
Apparent Field Of View:
True Field Of View:
Exit Pupil:
click to add the selected eyepiece to a printable list (maximum 10 selections per list).